dinner / breakfast

Enjoy the subtlety and splendor of
Hokkaido's ingredients.
Hokkaido offers rich,
fertile lands and clean waters,
along with vast temperature differences.
Hokkaido is referred to
as the "Treasure House of Ingredients"
and here we make use of
these fresh ingredients
for our expert chef to prepare
this buffet for you to enjoy.
Dinner Buffet

The buffet features 50 different dishes
that encompass Japanese,
Chinese, and Western-style cuisines.
These dishes feature fresh seafood,
freshly picked vegetables,
northern Japanese-style comfort foods, and more.
We also occasionally have limited-time fairs
as well that offer a taste of the season.
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Breakfast Buffet

With a focus on fresh locally sourced ingredients, this freshly prepared 40-dish buffet features both Japanese and Western-style cuisines.
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